We are kicking off an exciting new year with with Brian Gillett’s story about how he launched Bloo.com.au, raised money and then took back control of the business.
Tickets: Click here to secure your tickets now! Date: Tuesday 4th Feb 2014 Time: 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Address: Wrays, 56 Ord Street, West Perth (plenty of street parking available)
Cost: eGroup Members – FREE / Non eGroup Members – $25
Prior to the current role as CEO and founder of Bloo.com.au, Brian spent several years in telecommunications, technology and digital media sales. Working in senior roles with various companies including Ericsson, Transact Communications & Sensis. Brian is an angel investor, entrepreneur & strategist. Whilst he apples these skills to many different industries, he has a real passion for digital startups.
Brian’s journey into business has not been a slow and steady one. He launched Bloo in 2009, was nominated as one of the 40 under 40 in 2010, raised cash and facilitated the equity split to bring on board 7 West Media Group (formerly The West Australian) and The Community Newspaper Group. Faced substantial challenges with dramatic technology changes, board composition and governance, business strategy, cashflow and more.
Late 2013 Brian has taken back full control of the business and has an aggressive strategy for 2014. This is set to be a great session as Brian shares with us the details of his story.
Membership of eGroup:
Membership of eGroup gives you access to the community of WA online entrepreneurs through the monthly eGroup Forum for free. This meeting in West Perth brings together entrepreneurs, creators, investors, senior managers of online businesses and advisors from the financial and business world. Additionally, you can now tap into the online networking opportunities that come as an extension to the monthly meetings.
Registration: Please click here to register Memberships
Meetup Link: http://www.meetup.com/eGroup-WA/events/143214962/